The tooth that was giving me trouble was the #19 molar, which is the first molar on my bottom left. There is the canine tooth, then two premolars, and the next one going back is the #19 tooth or first molar.
My dentist did believe he could save the tooth by doing a root canal, but I was just as the point of wanting to get rid of this tooth once and for all. This was definitely a tooth I had come to hate. That is isn't going to save me from having a root canal. I was told after a brief examination that I should have two root canals performed on two other teeth. I believe I will follow through on having them done since I have no desire to experience the pain I had for the past year or so. I estimate the tooth I had extracted flared up 7 times. Sometimes the abscess would come and go easily. This last time the agony lasted 5 days. I decided this would be the last time.
This time the pain was excruciating. I couldn't think, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat. All I could do was think and feel pain. On the fourth day I thought I was out of the woods. The abscess was drained and nearly gone and I had no more pain. Then wham! I got a sharp, intense pain. The pain ran along my jaw and felt like it was going into my ear and eye socket. I felt like I should just cut my head off. I figured that wasn't really a good option.
Motrin did nothing for the pain. It continued. I had an ice pack and that seemed to help a little. Then I had an idea, try ice water. I took a swig of ice water and rinse it around. Amazing! Instant relief. However, once the water got warm in the mouth. I had to spit it out and take in some new water. I continued doing this from 2:30 p.m. until the next moring at 9:30 a.m.. That's right, no sleep but yet no pain. I did get to sleep about an hour before going to the dentist. Im sure I didn't look well, I know I didn't feel well.
So, I had the tooth extracted. No pain. My face and mouth were very numb due to the Novocaine, which eventually wore off. I had no problem being numb, it was much better than the past five days. I had some slight pain that night around 8 o'clock, but it was minor so I used Motrin. The extraction site is healing nicely now, five days later, so that is good. I never had dry socket and had two previous extractions with no problems, yet I was a little worried thinking "it could be happen".
I didn't fool around though. After reading about dry socket, I decided I would get clove oil
The alternative is to suffer for 5 or 6 days, which I don't think you would want to do. Anyway, I just so thankful that I am no longer in pain and can sleep well again. Toothaches and abscesses suck!