Monday, August 27, 2012

Pennsylvania Probationary Drivers License to a Standard Drivers License

In a previous post, I stated how the departmental review for a probationary license works.

Well, now I will follow up with the experience of getting back a standard driver's license in Pennsylvania once the Pennsylvania Probationary Drivers License concludes.

My situation was that I had a Probationary Interlock License which meant I could only drive a vehicle with the interlock installed and also could only drive from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. by default. These hours were fine for me. They can be changed for valid reasons such as work, school, or medical reasons.

So, about two months before my Probationary License was about to expire I called the toll free number to PennDOT to speak to a "specialist" about my license and what I needed to do. Understand, I still have this ignition interlock in my vehicle and paying $85 a month for it isn't what I consider cheap. So, what do I need to do to continue driving and have my interlock uninstalled after my one year was up.

I was told I would need to get form DL180, which is for a learner's permit, have a physical, go to the nearest driver's center and take the knowledge test, followed by the eye examination.

To make it short, just do everything over. I asked, "So, I drove a vehicle for a year and now I have to go and take all the tests to show I can drive?" I was told yes.

So, here is the funny thing. The $63.75 check that I sent in early  July to renew the probationary license was cashed on July 17th and now I was informed in August - one day before my probationary license expired - that I would have to get a driving permit and complete the tests in order to continue driving. I was told there was a "processing error" and the form submission could not be completed, although the check was cashed.

I asked it would have been nice if I could have been informed maybe a month, even two weeks before my probationary license expired. I was just given the typical "I don't know how this happened". Then I was also informed I would need to submit forms DL-16 and DL-17, which state I own no vehicles in Pennsylvania that required insurance and the other form stating I will send in my license, no longer have the license, or it expired. In my case, it expired.

The only good thing out of this conversation in futility was that I was given a PennDOT Fax Number and then after submitting the forms, I received a call five days later from a PennDOT worker who processes the forms from that fax number.

Here are some PennDOT Telephone and Fax Number for getting your license back quicker.

PennDOT Fax Number: 1 (717) 705-2404 You should address the Fax to Mr. Roderick.

Telephone Number for talking to an actual human being WHO CAN PROCESS YOUR NEEDED FORMS: 1 (717) 787-4220 The lady I spoke to was named Lou. She also informed me that Mr. Roderick was out of the office for two days so she would process the forms. Thanks Lou!

If you have been frustrated trying to get your Pennsylvania Driver's License back, maybe this information can help. By the way, I had my permit the next day after talking to Lou and passed my drivers test four days later. I'm all set and will be driving safely and securely. Oh! how it feels to be free again to live life like an adult.LP - 336 Danger - High Voltage Driver License Plate - 287 (Google Affiliate Ad)


Unknown said...

Any way I can contact you. I have a departmental review this Thursday and I need more info. Thanks!

LaserLasso said...

Hi! Well, you can ask my questions right here. Basically, just take what letters, etc. you were instructed to take to the hearing and you should be fine. You will just meet with one person as far as I know who will go over things with you and ask some questions and then hopefully, most likely issue you your probationary license. Good luck!

Dixie said...

The letter didn't say anything about an ignition interlock device and I can't get a company to place it on with a letter, I just wanted to be prepared.
Thank you so much!!

Dixie said...

I can't get a company to place an interlock without a letter from the DMV, otherwise I would have it installed to be prepared for the review.

LaserLasso said...

If you were not instructed to get an interlock installed, then you don't need it. Not all probationary licenses need to have an interlock device installed. It depends on your circumstances (example: you had a DUI). it sounds like you don't need one or PennDOT would have informed you that you needed one as well as giving you a list of phone numbers for the vendors who install the interlock devices.

LaserLasso said...

PennDOT would have told you that you needed an interlock installed when you received your eligibility letter for your probationary license.

Dixie said...

It wasn't an eligibility letter but a department review hearing. Unless that is the same thing. Excuse the posts but I am nervous.


tony said...

Wow Thank you so so so much. This state is one of many that just LOVE to yank away your license so they can make some more Jobs/money.